- High School Grades 11-12
- College or University
- Art and Culture
Medium > Architecture
Medium > Visual Arts
Subject Matter > Art History
Subject Matter > Music
Subject Matter > Philosophy
- History and Social Studies
People > African American
People > Latinx
People > LGBTQ
People > Native American
People > Other
People > Women
Place > Africa
Place > The Americas
Place > Asia
Place > Europe
Place > The Middle East
Themes > Civil Rights
Themes > Culture
Themes > Exploration and Discovery
Themes > Globalization
Themes > History of Science and Technology
Themes > Immigration/Migration
Themes > Politics and Citizenship
Themes > Religion
Themes > War and Foreign Policy
U.S. > Civil War
U.S. > Colonization and Settlement
U.S. > The Great Depression
U.S. > World War II
U.S. > U. S. History
World > The Modern World (1500 CE-Present)
- Literature and Language Arts
Genre > Biography
Genre > Drama
Genre > Essay
Genre > Fable, Fairy Tales and Folklore
Genre > Novels
Genre > Poetry
Genre > Short Stories
Place > Africa
Place > The Americas
Place > Ancient World
Place > Britain
Place > Europe
Place > Modern World
- Analysis
- Architectural analysis
- Auditory analysis
- Compare and contrast
- Creative writing
- Critical analysis
- Critical thinking
- Cultural analysis
- Data analysis
- Debate skills
- Discussion
- Evaluating arguments
- Expository writing
- Film editing
- Gathering, classifying and interpreting written, oral and visual information
- Historical analysis
- Internet skills
- Interpretation
- Interview/survey skills
- Investigating/journalistic writing
- Journal writing
- Letter writing
- Literary analysis
- Logical reasoning
- Making inferences and drawing conclusions
- Map skills
- Media analysis
- Musical analysis
- Online research
- Oral analysis
- Oral communication
- Oral presentation skills
- Painting
- Persuasive writing and speaking
- Photography
- Poetry analysis
- Poetry writing
- Report writing
- Representing ideas and information orally, graphically and in writing
- Research
- Role-playing/Performance
- Summarizing
- Synthesis
- Technology
- Textual analysis
- Using archival documents
- Using primary sources
- Using secondary sources
- Visual analysis
- Visual art analysis
- Visual art skills
- Visual presentation skills
- Vocabulary
- Writing skills
- ELA Reading: 1- 7, 10
- ELA Writing: 1-10
- ELA Speaking & Listening: 1-6
- ELA Language: 3-6
- HSS Reading: 1-10
- HSS Writing: 2, 4-10
This guide will assist you in screening Regarding Susan Sontag with your class, discussing its themes, and preparing for further lessons in your area of interest (see interdisciplinary diagram for suggestions).
- Follow the screening with a related lesson from the Art & Literature, Film, Identity, Illness, Photography, or War & Activism Units (see our interdisciplinary diagram for suggestions).